Principles of Floral Design : An Illustrated Guide by Pat Diehl Scace book DJV, TXT, PDF


Principles of Floral Design provides an introduction to the hands-on skills and theory required for career success. This heavily illustrated text acquaints future floral designers with the history of floriculture, design principles and elements, and floriculture industry and careers. It presents the various types of products used in floral designs, before progressing into common floral applications and events., Principles of Floral Design: An Illustrated Guide is a beautifully illustrated, comprehensive floral design textbook written to meet the demand for a new, practical, technically accurate classroom text and to support the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) initiative to education a new generation of up-and-coming floral deigners. Dozens of Step-by-Step illustrated procedures have been created for this text as effective teaching and learning tools. Four fully-illustrated glossaries contain over 400 color images of flowers and foilage used in floral design and student floriculture competitions such as the FFA's Career Development Events. This student-friendly text provides thorough coverage of topics essential for the beginning designer. Topics range from an introduction to the floriculture industry and a brief historical background through means of preserving botanicals and establising business plans using social media., Principles of Floral Design: An Illustrated Guide provides an introduction to the hands-on skills and theory required for career success in addition to the artistic aspect of floral arrangement. This heavily illustrated text acquaints future floral designers with design principles and elements along with the floriculture industry and its careers. It presents the various types of products used in floral design, before progressing into common floral applications and events. This text is also appropriate for students enrolling in the course for fine arts elective credit.Step-by-step procedures provide clear instruction to develop students' floral design skills using low-cost and commonly available materials.Extensive flower and foliage glossaries include cross-references to both the common and the botanical names in addition to other helpful information.End-of-chapter features, including Activities, Critical Thinking, STEM Activities and Communicating About Floral Design, provide students with the opportunity to connect floral design content to career and college readiness skills.

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