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Read online ebook Michael Green - Unlocking the Allowable-Thought Cage Imprisoning Our Imaginations : Actualizing Our Human Potential MOBI, EPUB


More and more people are becoming aware that we are, among other things, grappling with a media-projected or company-manufactured public reality. There is a controlled and choreographed, talked about, reported on, broadcast, make-believe reality--a pretended set of norms that diverge radically from the living realities they cover over. This publicly approved and sanctioned 'truth' is in major degree a pretense, a game, a show, a dance of distractions perpetrated on the public through many forms of propaganda, puppets and deceptions. In effect, we're taught to lock ourselves into a fixed set of allowable thoughts, a cage for our view of the real and of the possible, so we know how to think about things. We adopt the publicly sanctioned wisdom about what issues are important, how to frame the relevant priorities, how to be successful, how to fit in and be accepted, how to be 'good', and so forth. These teachings shape and control our perceptions of reality and largely govern how we live our lives. More important than where this strange dance-in-a-cage began, is where does it stop? Can it stop? Yes, this book explains, but not easily. Not without effort. Not without some degree of strength and courage and probably not without understanding the methods and mechanisms this book presents in depth using plain and simple language.Unlocking your 'allowable-thought cage' requires becoming aware that certain controlling and limiting 'truths' exist, and that you can become increasingly aware of them once you know what to look for, how to sort through competing contradictions and how to connect the relevant dots. This unique book shows how you can reassess your thought-cage and improve it so it better conforms to your own observations and experiences. It provides a general orientation that will very likely help you clarify the way you look at even very familiar topics and situations, and generally help you gradually free your mind so you can unlock your allowable-thought cage...

Unlocking the Allowable-Thought Cage Imprisoning Our Imaginations : Actualizing Our Human Potential ebook MOBI, PDF