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The easy way to become a more mindful leader Want to become a more mindful leader? With Mindful Leadership For Dummies , you'll find accessible and authoritative guidance for cultivating focus, clarity, and creativity from within your colleagues. Packed full of useful tips, this friendly how-to guide will help you incorporate mindfulness in your leadership style to manage and reap the benefits of a more attentive working life-all while nurturing compassion in the service of others. You'll discover how mindfulness can help improve decision-making and communication skills, manage modern workday challenges, and so much more. Mindful leadership is currently a high-trending topic in the self-help/business world, making headlines in such prominent publications as Forbes, Time magazine and The Guardian, and even earning a dedicated blog on Huffington Post. And all for good reason-the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace are far-reaching, and as we begin to uncover more research that supports its effectiveness, it's no wonder business leaders are jumping aboard this positive bandwagon. Includes tips on incorporating mindfulness into your leadership style Shows you how mindfulness can help develop and deepen your leadership qualities Explains how mindfulness enhances productivity and minimizes the effects of stress in the workplace Outlines how adding mindfulness to your leadership approach will enable you to make positive choices that support your well-being If you're a businessperson looking to add mindfulness to your leadership tool belt, Mindful Leadership For Dummies has everything you need to get started today.

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Yet many who were inspired by candidate Obama were disappointed in what he was able to accomplish once in the White House.To that end, this book is an essential resource for leaders ready to streamline their practice and focus their efforts on radically improving student learning., This companion to the 2011 best-seller Focus shows district and school leaders how to apply the tenets of focused leadership for improved student learning.In his 2011 ASCD best-seller Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning, author Mike Schmoker described a fresh pproach to K-12 teaching built on three core elements: a focused and coherent curriculum; clear, prioritized lessons; and purposeful reading and writing, or authentic literacy.De Beauvoir outlines a series of "ways of being" (the adventurer, the passionate person, the lover, the artist, and the intellectual), each of which overcomes the former's deficiencies, and therefore can live up to the responsibilities of freedom.She's just that good.Leadership 2.0.Unlock explosive growth potential with the true model of modern leadership "Thoughtfully Ruthless" lays out the secret to rapid business growth by showing you how to magically invent more time, catapult your energy, and boost the productivity of your resources.The idea is that we ll have a community within ourselves and develop each other.How well we handle this hand-off to the next generation may well determine our future.Sparks aren't defined by the place they hold on an organizational chart.FORGET IT Mei Tachibana has no friends and she doesn t need them Ever since her friends betrayed her in elementary school, she s sworn off friendship entirely.